Archive | November, 2011

Painting with Digital Light #inspiration

16 Nov

I am sitting here, planning to do this post, but I know if I let it go, I may not be able to do this post any time soon. So I just have to do it.

I stumbled on some of the most epic digital painting by a French artist that I have just got to share. He goes by his name, (I think studio name ) Live Rasoloarison is a malagasy freelance graphic artist who lives in Paris. He is specialized in illustration, graphic design, photo retouching and digital photography. ( from his ‘about me’)

Any who, without further ado,…








more sooner..maybe tonite. BE INSPIRED!!!!!


14 Nov

In the last blog update i had posted about my previous under goings and just exactly why I went silent on the blog thing for a little while. As I sit here, I am evaluating what type of lessons I most probably may have got from that whole experience. What may I have adopted into my system because of what happened to me?

1.Shit Stuff happens.

This is life, and when we play life, it gets unpredictable. You may have all these plans, visions and dreams that do not necessarily happen as planned. Nature and ‘fate’ sometimes takes its course and things do not go exactly as you had envisioned them. I guess that is why they came up with Murphy’s law. But isn’t that the joy of everything, knowing that everything will be just as unpredictable?

As much as that happens. It should never put us down. The fact that the pursuit of happiness does not exactly bring happiness may be the key point in focus here. Rather, it is the happiness of pursuit that makes us happy. Pursuing your dreams and your passions and plans gives more joy in the process itself rather than achieving the subject in pursuit. So here’s my two cents, Life will always throw stuff at you, make the best, enjoy the process, do not forget who you really are.

2. Make the Most of every situation.

My older cousin, who is just more like a sister to me, @soul_fool once told me, when Life gives you lemons, don’t just make lemonade alone, go ahead and make lemon cake, lemon soda, and just particularly anything that can be made using lemons. Life giving you lemons is like that moment where you are handed something that is not favorable according to you. it is something that may hurt you in a way. the lesson here however, is to use those moments you deem unfavorable to the best of your ability.

When I lost my money, just as I was to get my first DSLR, it really broke my heart. I had planned it out and I was to get it at around August- October. Needless to say, I already had photographic projects all lined out for me in my sketch book. I was gonna take my learning to a whole new level. When ‘the worst’ happened, I was devastated. But how was I going to make such a moment in my life fruity and sweet,( you know the kind of  stress that is money related). But what I decided to do, is to get my creativity on. As much as I wasn’t going to get my camera, I was going to do something major with myself, so, i went ahead and re-awakened this Media Company that I had called Coillusion. I did the logo and the other tiny details and specs in hand.

Here’s the Logo.


3. Bounce back Always.

As is life, one needs to develop a high sense of bouncing back as soon as possible whenever anything happens. For that is to whom the race will be won. The faster you adopt the better. I already adopted to my situation and whatever happened to me and I can say that I am only looking forward to better things more awesome thingss.


More lessons later.

*Magazine update

While through the process, The Krox was going to drop, and I promise you it will, but unfortunately, only one issue of it would. As time went by, through the process, I asked myself, why should I make something that is just about me?, I am going to make something bigger than me. Not The Krox anymore, something bigger.

I will do a complete post on that maybe tonite.



the krox.

Random Update

10 Nov

I’ve randomly thought of myself making this post and trying to explain exactly why I  have not been updating this blog. And yes, I know, I could come up with all forms of excuses right now, but I wont. Matter of fact, I do not think I will ever put up excuses on this blog. But rather, I will, (when I do) tell the truth about everything.

Now its been a crazy two months or something. I had a magazine coming out, had my first DSLR coming through, but that did not happen. I had the money alright, I had everything all planned out and boy, was I all excited. there’s nothing as better as that. nothing that I had waited so much for so long as that. but, you know, as LIFE would turn out. in the twists of events, that money just, well, disappeared. in the most hurtful of ways. I want to tell, but, in all honesty, I don’t think I have the strength to.

In a nut shell, that really ruined my creative process. yeah, its been a while before I finally bounced back. I went through these moments of  feeling really bad about everything. you see, its different, I had waited for this moment since last year. saved, work hard just to achieve this one thing. a DSLR camera. but what happens after you think you’ve finally gotten the cash? it disappears. Boy,you have no idea how that may feel.

But I got myself together. or so I think I did. I have been doing a lot of finding myself. And I’m almost getting to that moment where I can do it all over again. I evaluated if I really want this. I found out I do, because within the heart break, there was this bickering glimmer of hope.  It was too existent for me to ignore it. It is such moments I would laugh  to myself just to ease what I was feeling. I think it is easier for people to get over things that they don’t think are such a big deal to them. But this was sort of a big deal to me and I was really looking forward to it. I thank God all the same that whatever happened to me did, because it left me with more lessons than I’ve got before.

So what did it teach me,  probably that is a topic for yet another day, where I should explore those aspects. I’m just finally glad I had the strength to get back to blogging as I did with other stuff.